Landing Page Best Practices

Alexander Falossi

Last Update il y a 3 ans

What makes the BluePages.Pro such an effective landing page? Here’s what it takes to drive conversions.

We Set A Clearly Defined Goal

If you are going to start building a new website landing page, consider why you’re creating one in the first place. Set a specific goal. It’s a cliché but it’s true: You can’t score without a goal. You want to ensure your landing page is tied to a business or marketing outcome.

We have taken the guesswork out of the equation for you!

“You can’t score without a goal. You want to ensure your landing page is tied to a business or marketing outcome.”

Ask yourself what you want your visitors to do, then decide what clear call to action will compel them to do it. Do you want them to take advantage of the 5% Pro Discount, or a Special offer like $500 off, or maybe you want them to get approved for financing? Only then can you get to writing and designing a landing page that will motivate your visitors to take the specific action you want them to take

Write Compelling & Convincing Copy

To be successful, your landing page needs to tell your visitors what they’ll get out of your offer. And that comes down to great copywriting. To write a landing page that converts, speak your buyers’ language. What do they have to 
win by engaging with you? Again, we took 80% of the really hard work out of the equation… and we actually have some great examples to follow.

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