Landing Pages vs Website Pages

Alexander Falossi

Last Update 3 tahun yang lalu

Some people loosely define landing pages as “a page you land on.” But that could be any page on your website: your homepage, your about page, your product page–literally anything.

Landing pages are built to convert. That’s the main difference between a website landing page and a homepage–and any other page for that matter. Your homepage gives a full overview of what your business does and acts as a launchpad for all other (permanent) pages of your site.

A landing page, on the other hand, is focused on one specific topic (how you can help homeowners help their home) and compels visitors to take one specific action (5% dealer discount, special offer, financing, proposal or estimate.) Traffic can come from several different sources like paid ads. We have designed very specific traffic packages to help you gain more opportunities as well. Here are just a few...

Go Local: Welcome Home Program - we deliver custom postcards to new homeowners in your service area - custom and personalized - direct mailers - custom qr code - designed with an offer and path to push right back to your BluePages.Pro landing page.

Website 2 Mailbox - we have unique pixel technology to send postcards to anonymous prospects searching your website that abandon forms and leave - yes, we will deliver custom designed postcards right to the mailbox of prospects searching your services - high-tech is an understatement!

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